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jueves, 5 de diciembre de 2013

la situacion en Rumanía con el fracking

no se si sabeis que la noche del domingo al lunes decenas de
antidisturbios irrumpieron en el campamento de resistencia antifracking de
pungesti, en el nordeste rumano, y lo desalojaron. Los lugareños estaban
acampados en una finca privada (suya) desde el 14 de oct en protesta por
el comienzo de las obras de un pozo de perforación de Chevron en un
terreno que hasta hace poco era comunal y que el alcalde de la localidad
se apropió ilegalmente.

La policia antidisturbios ha actuado brutalmente segun testimonios que nos
llegan y han puesto en practica una especie de estado de sitio, con
bloqueo informativo absoluto, y bloqueo de libertad de movimientos en la

Los medios oficiales estan dando una v ersion distorsionada de los hechos
acusando a los acampados de violencia y el tema apenas está saliendo fuera
de Rumanía, salvo pocas noticias, algunas con bastante sesgo.

Ayer hubo manifestaciones expontaneas en bucarest en solidaridad.

lgunos eurodiputados han reaccionado por tuiter, y en
asntifracking se va a concentrar ante la embajada rumana.

Nos piden que difundamos la información por las listas de correo

abajo una crónica en ingles de una de las detenidas

Dear all,

This is an update from the people from the camp, from today, 11. am
Just talked with Zîna Domintean, who was brutally arrested yesterday
morning (and then released, but on whose name 2 files were opened), during
the military police raid on the AntiFracking resistence camp. She is back,
and relates : "We are under undeclared martial law !!! Military police
still blocks ALL access roads to the town. So far 20 people have been
beaten up. There are patrols everywhere, all the time. Intimidating and
threatening. They are forcing the little shops to close down, and
intimidating anyone who tries to help us. Children cannot go to school,
people cannot go to the doctor. Press access is strictly forbidden !!!
Some locals report to have been beaten when going into their own forest to
get firewood. It's like living under war occupation ! Please HELP, and
share this  !!!

The people were all released meanwhile, but all have been fined with
various amounts, according to no criteria (raging from 200 ron - some 50
euro to 1500 ron - some 370 euro, which is pretty much of a monthly
salary). I repeat, they were lifted from a private property where the camp
is installed, which has nothing to do with the land leased bu Chevron
(based on an abusive ownership paper of the land of the Pungesti Mayor,
now facing prossecution by the only still standing institution defending
to some degree the concept of justice in Romania).

Updates from Bucharest.
Furthermore, the people took to the streets last night in Bucharest in
solidarity with Pungesti but mostly against the government, asking it to
resign (the Pungesti event came just to fill the glass of a never ending
list of abuses and decisions taken against the interest of the people and
constantly defying the public opinion and the social dialogue), in a
spontaneous march. As usual in the last months, to dissuade protesters to
take to the streets, the riot police asked the protesters to show
documents and will fine them. So far there are piles and piles of abusive
fines, as the people are peacefully protesting and the law is allowing for
protests in front of public institutions, as long as people block no
Here is a film of the events last night. People are asking the government
to resign, chanting: Shame on you, Romania, police state, Solidarity,
United, we save whole Romania, Ponta (the PM), the betrayers of Romania,
Ponta, you won't hold on, not even with thousands of securists (those
working for the State Security - the Securitate, known as the most
repressive repression body in the former communist block), Nowhere
justice, everywhere police! Pungesti, don't forget, we're all with you!

The media outlets and especially the news channels have biased the report
on the events, holding the story of the riot police for the right one.
There was barely any coverage of the spontaneous protests last night.

Furthermore, today morning, no media was allowed to enter the area where
the camp was. Only later they allowed some "court" media outlets
(favourable to the government) to enter the camp, but separately, not all
together. France Press has a envoye there, but he's not a reporter, he's a
photographer, who sneaked inside the camp. International media presence
there is highly needed there. It will prevent a bit the huge abuses that
are being done (the riot police even went to schools to threaten kids that
they will be sanctioned with bad marks if they don't tell their parents to
be in favour of the project and stop protesting.)

Please share this! Also to human rights bodies you are familiar with!
The Romanian people need your support, it's not only about fracking right
now, it's about basic democratic rights, freedom of expression and human

Thank you all for your help and solidarity,

 Maria Olteanu

Samuel Martín-Sosa Rodríguez
Responsable de Internacional/International coordinator
Ecologistas en Acción
c/Marqués de Leganés 12,
28004 Madrid (Spain)
tfno. +34 91 531 27 39
fax. +34 91 531 26 11
skype: internacionalecologistasenaccion

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